
What Our Users are saying...
Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra

Thanks to this wonderful technology we have with Maestro!
Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield

The problem with the old teleseminar model is that it's a one way communication effort: I as the trainer impart information to you, the passive learner. All the research shows that people learn best when they're interacting about what they're learning in a way that brings up new insights. That can't happen on a traditional teleconference call, but it can happen with MaestroConference.

We all know the value of experiential education.  All the research shows that people learn best when they're having an experience, when they're interacting, when they're dialoguing about what they're learning or dialoguing in a way that brings up new insights and that can't happen on a traditional teleconference call, but it can happen with Maestro Conference.
Gay Hendricks

Gay Hendricks, NY Times Best -Selling Author and Relationship Coach

I was immediately blown away by MaestroConference. It really makes it possible to teach a class over the telephone and have it be exactly the same as being in a classroom. You can see when people raise their hands and you can break them into small groups. So it really changes the game.
Barbara Marx Hubbard

Barbara Marx Hubbard, Futurist, Author

I'm very excited about this new process that MaestroConference has developed!
Tom Heck

Tom Heck, President and Founder of the International Association of Teamwork Facilitators

This MaestroConference platform can be a game-changer for your organization and for your team. And, if you're teaching classes, it is just an amazing tool. You participate, then you lead, you get immediate feedback. This is a game-changer.
Chris Widener

Chris Widener, NY Times Best-Selling Author

Maestro has got some fantastic technology on the backend --...amazing technology where you can put hundreds of people on a call and then break them into groups of four or five. It's pretty cool stuff....Boy, this MaestroConference stuff is awesome!
Milana Leshinsky

Milana Leshinsky, author of "Coaching Millions" and originator of the "telesummit"

The most amazing teleseminar technology I've seen since I started my coaching and information marketing business nine years ago...Finally, someone got it!
Julie Wolk

Julie Wolk, Environmental Activist, Rainforest Action Network and Other Organizations

I'm really excited about the potential for this product to make our trainings more interactive and engaging, with the added benefit of saving money on travel and decreasing our global warming pollution.
Jillian Middleton

Jillian Middleton, SavvySponsoring.com

I'm now so spoiled that it would be quite difficult for me to use any other system. I love it. Thanks.
Arjuna Ardagh

Arjuna Ardagh, author of The Translucent Revolution

I've been teaching seminars and trainings since 1982. And of course using conference calls with my graduates and students as follow up. But it was never possible to have the same flexibility on a call as in a live event. Maestro has changed everything, beyond my wildest dreams! If you ever have the need to work with a group of people on the phone, trust me, this will change things forever!
Steve Davis

Steve Davis, Founder, FacilitatorU.com

Being able to see and control who’s talking or interrupting with a noisy background is an absolute godsend!
Andrea J. Lee

Andrea J. Lee, Founder and CEO, Thought Partners International

Well, there is a NEW bridge line technology that's breaking waves over the coaching, training and self-help worlds right now. It's called MaestroConference, and it's as elegant a thing as I've seen in a very long time.

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